Agenda item

Verbal briefing on the recent School Electrical Inspections.

  1. Councillor Sarah Merry (Cabinet Member – Education), to make a statement.
  2. Nick Batchelar (Director – Education) to provide a verbal briefing to Committee.



The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Sarah Merry (Cabinet Member – Education) and Nick Batchelar (Director, Education and Lifelong Learning to the meeting to provide Members with a verbal update on the recent maintenance issues at three Secondary Schools.


The Chairperson invited the Cabinet Member to make a statement in which she stated that as a result of problems experienced at Cantonian High School it was decided that a review of other schools took place.  As a result of those reviews Willows High School and Michaelston Community College were closed for work to be carried out.


Pupils from Willows High School returned to school today.  Michaelston Community College was due to close at the end of this academic year in any event. 


The Chairperson invited questions and comments from Members:


  • Members queried why the work was not undertaken during the holidays and were advised that after receiving a second opinion in respect of each school there was no option but to take the disruptive step of closing the schools.  Members were also advised that there needs to be greater clarity of responsibilities for maintenance work between the landlord and the tenant.


  • Members were advised that there were conversations with parents, their concerns were voiced and both school prioritised the Year 10/11 pupils. 


  • Members queried the costs of the work carried out and were advised that the costs are not recoverable through insurance and have to be budgeted for. 


AGREED – That the Chairperson on behalf of the Committee writes to relevant Cabinet Member, Directors and officers thanking them for attending the meeting on 13 February and to convey the observations of the Committee when discussing the way forward.