Agenda item

Accommodation Requirements at Cantonian High School


Appendix A to this report is exempt from publication as it contains information of the kind described in paragraph 16 of parts 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972





1.            It be noted that an application for the £1 million capital funding, from within the current 21st Century School Programme, has been submitted and is subject to Welsh Government approval.


2.            expenditure of £1.443 million be committed over the next three years for the supply of modular accommodation at Cantonian High School, subject to confirmation of the approval of capital funding by Welsh Government and the Section 151 Officer raising no objection,


3.            should the application not be approved by Welsh Government, a report outlining an alternative source of capital funding for the Cantonian High School scheme will need to be considered by Cabinet in the New Year.



Appendix A to this report is exempt from publication as it contains information of the kind described in paragraph 16 of parts 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972





1.            It be noted that an application for the £1 million capital funding, from within the current 21st Century School Programme, has been submitted and is subject to Welsh Government approval.


2.            expenditure of £1.443 million be committed over the next three years for the supply of modular accommodation at Cantonian High School, subject to confirmation of the approval of capital funding by Welsh Government and the Section 151 Officer raising no objection,


3.            should the application not be approved by Welsh Government, a report outlining an alternative source of capital funding for the Cantonian High School scheme will need to be considered by Cabinet in the New Year.


Supporting documents: