Agenda item

Budget Monitoring - Month 6 Report




1.            the potential outturn position based on the first six months of the financial year be noted.


2.            The requirement for all directorates currently reporting overspends as identified in this report to put in place actions to reduce their projected overspends be reinforced.



Cabinet considered the Budget Monitoring position for month 6.  The overall position indicated a projected overspend of £537,000 an improved of £313,000 on the month 4 position.  The overall position continues to reflect financial pressures and shortfalls against budget savings targets in directorate budgets.  It is anticipated that management actions taking during the year will enable this to be reduced by the year end.





1.            the potential outturn position based on the first six months of the financial year be noted.


2.            The requirement for all directorates currently reporting overspends as identified in this report to put in place actions to reduce their projected overspends be reinforced.


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