Agenda item

Achieving a Sustainable Youth Work Offer for Cardiff




  1. the proposed vision, principles, and new operating model for Cardiff Youth Service be agreed.


  1. the proposed focus upon locality working, to strengthen and integrate youth work disciplines in a locality area, ensuring that teams are responsive to the needs of the community that they serve be endorsed.


  1. It be noted that the Director of Education and Lifelong Learning will provide updates to the relevant Cabinet Member(s) on the delivery of the actions identified within the report, including assurance that resources are appropriately prioritised to address the needs of the most vulnerable and at-risk children and young people.


  1. It be noted that senior managers will provide updates to the relevant Cabinet Member(s) on the work being undertaken to integrate the Cardiff Youth Service more effectively with wider services for adolescents.



A letter from the Children & Young People’s Scrutiny Committee was circulate to Members.


Cabinet received a report setting out the proposals to deliver a sustainable youth work offer for Cardiff.  The report follows the Cardiff Youth Service Review in 2022 and draws upon the recommendations contained within the review report to ensure that the Youth Service offer in Cardiff is sustainable.


The demands on the service post-pandemic were noted given the reported decline in young people’s mental health and well-being, increasing poverty and other ongoing societal challenges.


The funding of the service was highlighted; it was noted that funding has been challenging due to the economic climate, however the teams’ efforts were congratulated as delivery in such a climate has been challenging.  It was highlighted that SPF funding has provided some stability and that, given the extremely challenging financial outlook, discussions on the future funding arrangements for the service would take place as part of the budget process.  


The report highlights the proposals for change and the future vision and operating model.  This is to develop strong locality teams to respond to the unique needs of the individual communities they serve.  It was noted that the locality teams will be located in the areas of highest deprivation, however, a level of universal provision will be available.





  1. the proposed vision, principles, and new operating model for Cardiff Youth Service be agreed.


  1. the proposed focus upon locality working, to strengthen and integrate youth work disciplines in a locality area, ensuring that teams are responsive to the needs of the community that they serve, be endorsed.


  1. It be noted that the Director of Education and Lifelong Learning will provide updates to the relevant Cabinet Member(s) on the delivery of the actions identified within the report, including assurance that resources are appropriately prioritised to address the needs of the most vulnerable and at-risk children and young people.


  1. It be noted that senior managers will provide updates to the relevant Cabinet Member(s) on the work being undertaken to integrate the Cardiff Youth Service more effectively with wider services for adolescents.


Supporting documents: