Agenda item

Youth Justice Service Update

To receive a written Update on the Youth Justice Service




Alison Jones, (Scrutiny Officer) provided Members with a summary of the Youth Justice Service Update.

Members’ attention was drawn to the main information set out in Appendix A to the scrutiny cover report which highlighted progress on the future of the remand grant, the response to the National Standards self-audit of court work, Cardiff’s Sustainability Action Plan to support its application to be a Child Friendly City.  There were also updates from Angharad Thomas (Operational Manager, Youth Justice Service) on Youth Justice Service progress which included staffing, project updates, activity programme, summer programme, Intervention and information on performance and KPIs.  Education data and inclusions were not covered in the response due to staffing issues and they would be provided at the next meeting.

Members were informed that the Independent Chair of the Board would be invited to attend the next meeting.

Members were invited to ask questions and make comments; the discussion is summarised as follows:

  • In discussing the report Members felt there were some positives in the update but there were some questions that arose from the information on staffing and it felt it would be helpful to receive clarification on the impact on the service and continuity provision.
  • Members also enquired how the Youth Justice Service was involved in the work to review the Youth Service.
  • Members noted that on the figures given for involvement in Summer Activities there was some data on more take up but not on data on children who could benefit from the programme.
  • Members noted the references in the update to giving priority to encouraging more engagement and asked for more insight into what that might involve.
  • Members were keen to know and find out about the links between neuro divergent and criminal youth justice and how the service was supporting people entering the system with undiagnosed neuro diversity.


RESOLVED: That the Chairperson writes to the Cabinet Member on behalf of the Committee expressing their comments and observations captured during the way forward.

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