Agenda item

Council Housing Rent & Service Charge Setting 2024/25


Councillor Ash Lister declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item as a family member is a Council tenant.  Councillor Lister left the meeting and did not take part in decision making.


RESOLVED that the approach for rent and service charge setting for Council owned dwellings for financial year 2024/25 (as set out in this report) be approved. 



Councillor Ash Lister declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item as a family member is a Council tenant.  Councillor Lister left the meeting and did not take part in decision making.


Cabinet considered a report requesting approval for the approach to setting rents and services charges on Council owned dwellings in the Housing Revenue Account for the financial year 2024/25


It was noted that the main source of income to the HRA is from tenants in the form of rents and service charges. The purpose of reviewing rents is to ensure the Housing Revenue Account has enough income to provide quality housing services for current and future tenants. Rental income allows the service to invest in the maintenance and improvement of existing homes and neighbourhoods; provide good tenant support services; contribute to the funding of our community Hubs and also build new homes.


It was noted that following a full review, it is proposed that council rents should increase by the full amount allowed of 6.7%.  However, it has also been demonstrated that rents remain affordable at this higher level, with the new rent levels scoring well against the Joseph Roundtree Foundation (JRF) living rents model, and for the majority of Council tenants who are in receipt of benefits the increase in rent will be covered by an increase in the benefits they receive.


RESOLVED that the approach for rent and service charge setting for Council owned dwellings for financial year 2024/25 (as set out in this report) be approved. 


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