Agenda item

Annual Complaints Report


RESOLVED: that the contents of the report be noted.


Cabinet received the Annual Complaints and Compliments report for the 2022-2023 period.  It was noted that A total of 3,071 (Corporate) complaints were recorded during 2022/23. This is an 15.5% decrease from the previous year, when 3,633 complaints were recorded.  A total of 1,265 compliments were recorded during 2022/23. This is an 14.9% decrease from the previous year, when 1,487 compliments were recorded.  In relation to Ombudsman complaints it was noted that no cases proceeded to formal investigation during the 2022/23 period.


The change in patterns of complaints was noted, with the reduction in complaints related to waste, and the slight increase housing complaints related to the backlog of repairs, the service are seeking to address this by setting up an online system for response repairs.


It was highlighted that a recommendation from the Policy Review and Performance Scrutiny Committee requested that Social Services complaints be included in the Annual Complaints report.  It was noted that there is a separate statutory process for complaints related to Social Services however Officers will consider whether overall figures could be included in this annual report going forward.


RESOLVED: that the contents of the report be noted.

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