Agenda item

Education Directorate Delivery Plan


Councillor Sarah Merry, Deputy Leader, Education, Employment & Skills, will be invited to make a statement. She, along with Nick Batchelar, Director of Education, and Suzanne Scarlett, Performance Manager, will be available to answer Members’ questions;



Questions by members of the Committee;



The way forward for this item will be considered at the end of the meeting.



The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Sarah Merry (Cabinet Member – Education, Employment and Skills) and Nick Batchelar (Director Education and Lifelong Learning) to the meeting.


The Director provide Members with an outline of the Strategic Directorate Priorities


Members were invited to comment, seek clarification, or raise questions on the information received. Those discussions are summarised as follows:



Members noted the milestones and queried whether the authority is being overly ambitious. Members were advised that milestones can be useful, it is necessary however to reduce the number of performance indicators. 



With reference to the priorities outlined Members sought clarification as to what Officers felt the significant challenges were.  The Cabinet Member outlined a number of challenges, the attainment gap, the number of school places, similar exam results across the City and consistent provision across the City.


AGREED – That the Chairperson writes to the Cabinet Member on behalf of the Committee expressing their comments and observations discussed during the Way Forward.

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