Agenda item

Urgent Item - Proposed Change of Status of St David's Catholic Sixth Form College - Implications for the Local Authority


The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Sarah Merry (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Employment & Skills) and Nick Batchelar (Director of Education and Lifelong Learning) to the meeting. 


The Chairperson invited Councillor Merry to make a statement in which she indicated that the decision to change the status of St David’s Catholic Sixth Form College to  become a  Voluntary Aided School, maintained by the authority is ultimately not a decision for Cabinet, it is a decision for Welsh Government.  The report to cabinet will make recommendations about the Councils response to the proposal.


The Director provided Members with the background details and advised Members that a consultation exercise is underway, and that the Council is the final consultee.  


Members were invited to comment, seek clarification, or raise questions on the information received.  Those discussions are summarised as follows:


  • Members were advised that the change in status would have no material impact on current students, although it is hoped that there will be an expansion in student numbers in due course.


  • Members queried whether there would be an impact on local schools and were informed that there will not be, it is something that has been raised at length in the consultation process.


  • Members asked whether it would mean a change in the school admission arrangements and were advised that sixth forms are their own admission authority and already abide by the admissions code. 


AGREED:  That the Chairperson, on behalf of the Committee, writes to the Cabinet Member conveying the observations of the Committee when discussing the Way Forward.