Agenda item

Review of Household Waste Recycling Centre Provision




1.            the preparation of a business case relating to the potential future requirement for additional HWRC services in Cardiff be authorised and that the findings of the business case be presented to a future Cabinet meeting for consideration.


2.            a site options appraisal commence to identify a preferred location for potential future provision of additional HWRC facilities and the findings be presented to a future Cabinet meeting for consideration. 



Cllr Merry declared a personal interest in this item as Wedal Road is located within her ward.


Cllr Weaver declared a personal interest in this item as Wedal Road is located within his ward.



Cabinet considered a report seeking authority to explore the business case for the provision of additional Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC).  The report outlined the need to review provision in the context of the future growth of the city.




1.            the preparation of a business case relating to the potential future requirement for additional HWRC services in Cardiff be authorised and that the findings of the business case be presented to a future Cabinet meeting for consideration.


2.            a site options appraisal commence to identify a preferred location for potential future provision of additional HWRC facilities and the findings be presented to a future Cabinet meeting for consideration. 


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