Agenda item


Petitions have been received in relation to the following applications in accordance with  Committee Meeting Procedural Rule 14.2.  The petitioners have been advised of their right to speak and the applicants/agents of their right to reply:


Application No: 17/01435/MNR          23-24 Wordsworth Avenue, Roath, Cardiff


Application No: 17/01735/MJR           Land to the north-west of Whitchurch Hospital Playing Fields


Application No: 17/02413/MNR          32 Clos Nant Y Cor, Pontprennau, Cardiff      


Application No: 17/01963/MJR          Land off Mynachdy Road, Mynachdy


Application No: 17/01935/MJR          The Michaelston, 105 Michaelston Road, Cardiff